Jun 28, 2010

Some People Have Too Much Money

Strange thing for capitalist oinker Ming to say but it's true. Some clod just paid $45,000 for Marilyn Monroe's chest Xrays when everyone knows they're not worth a penny more than $30,000.

As the years pass, fewer contemporaries of Ms. Monroe will be alive to care and eventually the value of such outre memorabilia will plummet. Who today would pay anything for the skeleton upon which Theda Bara used to pose? Theda who? See. That's Ming's point. Theda Bara was the original vamp and now you neither know nor care.

Eventually, those Xrays will be lost to the world as so many other things are that were once thought precious. Granduncle Phineas will croak and uncaring relatives going through his dross will send them to the dumpster unaware as to what they are or not caring even if they do know. Either that or they will be flogged in some obscure yard sale for pennies.

On the other hand, anything from the estate of Anna May Wong is worth millions but that's just Ming talking.

Jun 23, 2010

~#^%*!!# Mayans

Just when Ming has DNDN, VHC and a few other such goodies all lined up in a row to see him through those golden years, the lousy Mayans decide that on December 21, 2012 that's the end of the World as we know it as the Sun's magnetic field reverses. The Olmecs have a lot to answer for too but that's another story.

Should their calculations be off a tad, Ming has decided the prudent thing to do is buy one banana at a time and cancel all subscriptions. The only thing left now is to figure out how to make the stray shekel off this tragedy.

Buying on the installment plan and maxing out those credit cards come readily to mind, but doing something that carries a minimum ten year sentence would also seem to have merit. So much to do. So little time.