Feb 26, 2008

Ming Exercises His Eleemosynary Propensities

No, don't cover your eyes and go running to report poor Ming to the Google censors for performing a lewd act. This only means Ming is once again feeling charitable enough to visit the GNAT at the special Dendreon Shareholder lockdown unit in the Psychiatric Ward of NYC's Bellevue Hospital. You will remember the GNAT as TANG, famous inventor of powdered orange drink. He put it all into Dendreon, post it's March 29th FDA Provenge Panel meeting. It was a lock after a positive Panel vote on safety and efficacy. The FDA had never before gone against a Panel recommendation when evaluating a new treatment for a terminal indication. Now the reverses in his fortune even extend to his name. He still holds his position, but like his powdered drink, it is watered down everyday as it trades ever lower. Only when Ming arrives does a gleam of hope appear in his bloodshot eyes. He whispers,"Tell me again Ming, tell me again". Ming replies, "All gaps get filled, all gaps get filled". Ming leaves him, happily scribbling $16.75 over and over on the walls with his orange crayons.

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