Feb 27, 2008

Where Has Faith Gone?

"Montebank", shouted the crowd. "No refunds", shouted Ming as he ran from St. Patrick's Cathedral still clutching several unsold but "genuine" holy relics and splinters of The True Cross marked down for his Pre-Saint Patrick's Day Sales Extravaganza. Just because the former resembled chicken bones,(people were smaller back then), and the latter, toothpicks,(he should have taken the wrappers off), people are developing the nasty habit of not taking things at face value. In Ming's youth, the medical establishment was ignorant yet worshiped by a still more ignorant public. Now even nurses no longer have to rise when a physician enters a hospital room and the public is no longer disposed to accept the pronunciamentos of the glorious FDA. The more publicity afforded the egregious the blunders of that august body, the more opprobrium will be heaped on their deserving heads. The failure to merely accept the Conditional Response Letter for Provenge is emblematic of a better informed, more proactive public demanding accountability from the dysfunctional and discredited montebanks of the FDA. If this trend keeps up poor Ming won't even be able to move his inventory of miraculous manifestations on milk duds this upcoming Christmas season and the duds at the FDA won't be able to milk the miraculous manifestations of their dubious decisions as they're ushered from office.

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