Mar 3, 2008

To Hell With Ming

Science and religion are, as usual, wrong. Hell exists, unbeknownst to scientists, but is not limited to the damned as religions would have it. As a professional courtesy, long time Dendreon shareholders may tour the facilities having already suffered its ravages. The security pits are well populated with professional traders and their analysts who are kept up to their necks in fresh fece. For a nominal charge, visitors are allowed to feed them the same excrement they fed others while still alive. Ming understands the Jim Cramer section is always well attended. The market makers malaise is also fun to watch as they are shoved over the cliff only to be impaled on the rocks below just as they did to their customers while on earth. A real crowd pleaser is the short sellers slide as they are sent down a slippery slope festooned with a gala array of nails, broken glass and the occasional rusty knife, emasculating them as they had hoped to do to others while above. The FDA house of retribution was a bit much even for the vengeful Ming as those minions of that august agency and its enablers are exhibited suffering from the very same diseases and dysfunctions that would have been cured had they but approved the drugs and devices capable of doing so. It turns out that Hell is a nice place to visit but Ming would not like to live there.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

science and religion are wrong as usual, however art is all over this stuff (in this case blog style lit) Dante got nothing on you brother Ming.

Delightful for the spectators, a feature even Dante did not include.