Apr 9, 2008

Grade School Gaffs

Being swell people, the noble Howard and Maha take time out from poisoning others to attend parents day at a grade school where they lead a discussion on the meaning of words. Asking the class for an example of the word tragedy, one moppet offers the example of a child run over by a car. No said Maha, that would be an accident. Another tot opined that a school bus loaded with kiddies going over a cliff would be a tragedy. No, no said Howard, that is only an example of a great loss. Finally, little Mingster, loitering in the back row raises his hand and offers that a plane carrying both Howard and Maha, struck by a missile and blown to smithereens is an example of a real tragedy. A wonderful example they both enthused "And can you tell us why ?"preened the pair. Well, said little Mingster, who has been well taught by his revered uncle Ming,"It sure as hell wouldn't be a great loss and it probably wouldn't be an accident either.

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