Jun 15, 2008

Dendreon Deductions Denied

Ming got extension for his tax return and they know Ming from before, so as soon as he drops return in mailbox, they have Special Agent waiting to fish it out and begin another inquisition. Lousy suspicious fascists even dare to begin by questioning solid citizen Ming's itemized deductions. Trip to Haiti under investment expense was perfectly legitimate. Where else does one go to obtain the very best mojo's and voodoo curses to put on Dendreon's enemies? Medical expenses for twelve cases of Tattinger Grand Cru was absolutely vital to maintain mental equilibrium after the May 8th debacle. Charitable contributions of Ming's Dendreon call option investment was clearly a gift to the market makers and hedge funds who wrote those calls safe in the knowledge that they were worthless knowing that Dendreon would receive a complete response letter. Ming also staunchly defends taking his Dendreon stock losses as casualty deductions despite the shouting and screaming of six IRS agents and their Group Chief. It's patently obvious that Dendreon was a casualty of an FDA and NIH conspiracy to delay and defraud Provenge approval. A reasonable Ming reluctantly admits the claymore mines listed as other itemized deductions may not withstand closer scrutiny. On the other hand, denying this deduction could blowup in their face.

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