Jun 26, 2008

Ming's New Cookbook Brings FDA To A Boil

"No One Knows The Truffles That I've Seen, The Dendreon Story" is sure to make the best seller's list. Ming's new "tell all" cookbook will be stirring the pot, hoping to bring things to a boil at the FDA and none too soon at that. More than 200 years ago, historian Edward Gibbon observed that, "All that is human must retrograde if it does not advance". This is now happening at the FDA as they rhapsodize over the latest permutations in poisoning people with chemo whilst remaining blind to immunotherapies which are the future in the fight against cancer. Yet money can be made from anything. Witness Ming's new service aiding drooling myopic Division Directors outside FDA 's Fischers Lane facility unable to cross streets safely, unassisted. Let them pay for their shortsightedness.

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