Aug 2, 2008

Cast Not The First Stone Unless Its At The FDA

While the Investor Village Dendreon Board solves any and all economic, political and religious controversies, poor Ming is still working on properly tying his shoelaces so there's one less thing to trip him up when investing in Dendreon. Besides, he can't keep attending the opera in slippers. People stare. That's why, when he's not agonizing over his aglets, he's careful to avoid more close scrutiny by strictly adhering to all biblical injunctions, however outre they may seem. So it's most unfair that people still stare when Ming walks down the street loudly reciting the multiplication tables. After all, Genesis 1:28 clearly says to go forth and multiply. The bag of rocks Ming always drags along also receives it's share of stares. But Ming figures what with Leviticus handing out a nice stoning for all sorts of infractions, it pays to be ready when it's the FDA's turn for having had it's way with Dendreon, in the biblical sense.

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