Nov 12, 2008

Casting Ming's Bread Upon The Waters

Mingovia Savings Bank and it's subsidiary Ming Motor Company demand a Federal bailout. The legacy costs at Ming Motor Company for it's sole employee, Chairman Ming, are astronomical, and include items such as bail, detox, rehab, legal fees on appeal etc.

The good news is Ming Motor Company has never built a car so retooling for more fuel efficient vehicles is unnecessary, thus making them more worthy than the Big Three auto companies for a handout.

The parent company, Mingovia Savings Bank also needs money to buy toasters and escort services to use as incentives to draw in new fish which is the term of art for customers in financial circles. Hopefully, customer deposits in future will enjoy a better return now that Chairman Ming swears he will no longer bet Mingovia deposits on cheap claiming races.

Stingy Treasury Officials should be made aware that both Mingovia and Ming Motor are paragons compared to the shameless charlatans whose unwashed hands are now extended in supplication.

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