Nov 20, 2008

Ming Has Been Flummoxed

For days poor Ming has been denied access to his own blog by the cretins at Google who demand he first navigate some obscure new ritual to no apparent purpose other than to frustrate the much put upon Ming. It would be easier becoming a 32nd degree Mason.

Ming almost wishes he was paying for the privilege of blogging so he could now have the exquisite pleasure of canceling his subscription and retiring in high dungeon.

Ming should also get to bill the insidious pranksters at Google for the broken furniture incurred when a frustrated Ming chewed the legs off several chairs and one end table while trying to comply with their unreasonable requests. Several guests are now suing after having sat on Ming's faulty furniture to their instant regret.

Nonetheless, a gracious Ming apologizes to his readers for not having posted his usual mind rotting material over the last few days and promises to dredge up the usual supercilious crappola for your delectation in the future assuming Google leaves him alone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

could be worse, it could be raining.