Dec 24, 2008

Ming Learns The Secret To Amassing Wealth

Steal, but wear a suit while doing so. Running into Seven-Elevens waving a water pistol will only get you ten to twenty in durance vile. Promising gullible dupes(and we all are to one degree or another), wealth beyond the dreams of avarice will reap you not only the big bucks but respect, honor and, (Ming's favorite), adulation as well.

The trick is to have a passport in good order and the brains to know when to use it. That's why Ming can hardly wait for Bernie Madoff's book to be published in a society where no matter how vile your deeds, you can always write the book afterwards.

Until then, Ming will have to be satisfied watching advertisements from people who say they made millions in the market with their system but curiously, still seem to need your crappy few bucks to tell you how it's done.

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