Feb 24, 2009

Minh Achieves Personal Best

New record for Ming. First time he was bounced from two jobs in one morning. Flunkies R Us sent him to airport to temporarily fill security job. Ming was diligently frisking all stewardesses when boss tries to can him for gross incompetence, indecency and chewing gum while on duty. Ming is too clever for him, pointing out you can't fire someone who strictly adhered to Federal anti-profiling guidelines since he even expedited boarding for two guys in robes screaming death to the infidel.

So they put Ming in dead end job in unclaimed luggage. First customer is little old lady that claims she lost her Amelia Earhart. Ming tells her to get over it. Amelia's been lost since 1937 and it's time to move on. Things go downhill from there and before you can file for unemployment, poor Ming is escorted onto the street.

Maybe Ming should try to get into public relations, especially with stewardesses.

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