Jan 6, 2010

The Decline Of American Manhood

Ming is chagrined when seeing couples being interviewed on T.V. on vitually any subject. The wife is official spokesperson bellowing all manner of drivel in stentorian tones that brooks no challenge. The schlemiel on her left just stands there like the dummy he clearly is. If he has the temerity to even squeek, the haridan immediately overtalks him and with trembling chin he subsides into meek silence.

Ming bets that after a hard day on the couch watching his ill-fated stock picks on CNBC get crushed, he doesn't even have the courage to demand a hot meal be brought him after his wife comes home from work.

All this is now at an end. As a public service Ming is offering his King of the Castle audio tapes on the internet. Memorize the entire peroration. You are the King. She is but a vassal whose only function is to cater to your every whim etc. etc. Learn to say no when she wants her odious mother over for the Holidays. Learn to cut her household allowance when you need emergency beer money when you and your bar buddies want to go hunting.

Order now and we'll include a first aide kit with butterfly bandages for use when those flying ashtrays and dishes hit their mark. But that's not all. Mention Ming and our operators, who are now on standby, will give the first 100 callers all the necessary forms for that do-it-yourself divorce she keeps shouting about.

Remember, order now and you really got it coming.

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