Jul 19, 2010

Adults Are Still Nuts

When you're a little kid you never know what will set an adult off. As an example, you could be minding your own business setting fire to a pile of milk crates(they were wooden back then), when some adult would start jumping up and down threatening you with dire consequences and awful forms of retribution. They'd do that even when it wasn't their own milk crates.

Now that Ming is impersonating an adult he still fails to understand their motivations. They'd rather be lied too egregiously by someone who smiles than told an unpleasant truth by a dour Casandra. They still cannot countenance behavior not congruent with their own understanding of propriety however shaky the quicksand upon which it's built.

At least when little Ming was running around shooting off cap pistols, squirting his water pistol at anything that moved and setting off firecrackers with abandon he wasn't stupid enough to actually try to kill anyone. Now whenever some Government says it's okay, adults armed with real guns go off and blithely kill strangers who of course try to return the compliment. Then again, back then Ming wasn't a mature adult. Maybe he still really isn't.

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