Mar 25, 2008

Foul Fangpi Fong

China has saying parents use with children when punishing, da shi teng, ma shi ai. (smacking is fondness, scolding is love). Head of Tong, Granduncle Fong has become hong (famous), for being fond of Ming who has the scars to prove same. Ming loses much face, both figuratively and literally when Dendreon got Approvable Letter. Venerable old geezer not understand approval is still inevitable as he snarls "wo nosi ni"(I should strangle you to death)as he wraps his ancient claws around Ming's delicate esophagus. He also fails to understand a wise FDA(major oxymoron), will better serve its own interests by providing Conditional Approval before lawsuit,FOIA requests, protests and petitions make life untenable by connecting slimeball Scher's COIs to his enablers within the FDA and NCI. Embarrassment to current administration in D.C. as we approach 2008 elections cannot be allowed to occur. Then Ming regains his guanxi(influence) with old fangpi(fart) Fong.

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