Apr 26, 2008

An Appeal To The Opposite Of PROgress

If Health & Human Services doesn't investigate the FDA, then our legislators should.The very honor of CONgress is at stake. It must remain a viable institution. There must yet remain a last refuge for failed lawyers to earn a living. Thus, Congress must be courted with all the dignity it deserves in requesting an investigation of FDA conflicts of interest. Ming would never besmirch that dignity by proffering filthy lucre to fill the already overflowing freezers of recipients of hedge fund largesse. After all, that money is better spent on more Dendreon. Instead, Ming advocates generous applications of wedgies, noogies and yes, even the dreaded wet willie to motivate our laggardly legislators. Perhaps resort could even be made to the unspeakable rear rebate to encourage our august solons to take action on the Provenge debacle. Ming holds little hope that even were the possibility of initiating hearings to be revisited, these waffling wastrels will have any overt affect on accelerating approval. At this point Ming is reduced to only looking to expose the prime movers behind Provenge's deferral as well as their loyal lackeys. To borrow the sentiment of that great New York philosopher and social activist, the late John Gotti, Ming would like to put a rocket in their pocket.

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