Apr 24, 2008

Great Expectorations

Ming's latest moneymaker is the customized cuspidor so long absent from the American scene. The epiphany for this new product was the result of the FDA being mentioned in Ming's presence, thus eliciting the mandatory three spits to windward into spitoonless space. This was not well received by Ming's hostess who saw said loogies land in her punch bowl. Thus Ming saw a need and hopes small biotech investors fill it. His new line includes the Howie, the Maha and the extra large Pazdur. Each model has its eponymous personage's countenance pictured to make for accurate aiming. The only possible downside is that much like Ming, many purchasers, especially Dendreon shareholders, could seriously dehydrate themselves in their enthusiasm. Ming only hopes his new product hawks up much interest.

1 comment:

Auntcarrie said...

Ming, you have not lost your touch!! Thanks for a much needed chuckle. :-)