Apr 16, 2008

A Happy Ming Is A Healthy Ming

The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine written in 2597 B.C. states," When the mind is quiescent and void, true Ch'i will be at your command. If one keeps a sound mind, danger of disease will turn to safety". Ming is in big trouble. Obviously, the most venerable Yellow Emperor never owned shares in Dendreon. It doesn't help Ming's equanimity that he starts each day putting in an hour cursing Dendreon's enemies to the 18th generation although it can be invigorating. Time spent sending turtle eggs in power missives explaining in excruciating detail how they are failing the republic by not pressing for Provenge approval also militates against quiescence. (The ancients thought turtles conceived through mind power, thus parentage of eggs was not traceable. Hence, addressing missives with that salutation conveys suspicions as to genealogy). Ming then monitors the day's trading in Dendreon with attending physicians from the Mayo Clinic stand at the ready to treat spikes in blood pressure and to sedate him at the first downtick in price. Ming's only worry is that they never catch on that hes not the Grand Plenipotentiary and High Exalted Poobah of Schmuckistan or they will ignore him for only being a poor Dendreon shareholder just like Mitch does.

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