Apr 17, 2008

Ming's Medical Musings

Ming is not a doctor, although he stands at the ready to put on the scrubs if only to encourage gullible young ladies to disrobe. Yet, in his less febrile moments he wonders why prostate cancer is endemic in modern day America. Reading around, he finds studies show an increased risk of dying from prostate cancer as well as colon, beast and ovarian cancer when there is a deficiency of Vitamin D. Most Americans, working indoors in post-industrial revolution America are sadly deficient in this vitamin which acts as a hormone. The most important source of Vitamin D is sunlight absorbed through the skin. This may explain why African-Americans suffer more of these cancers and in more virulent forms. The high melanin in their skin's pigmentation serves to block the suns rays. This relationship to lack of Vitamin D is also found in those using sunblock and those living furthest from the equator. To counteract this deficiency, one would be well served to consume leafy greens, flaxseed, walnuts, pumpkin seed and most importantly, wild salmon, cold water sardines and albacore tuna several times a week. This also provides rich sources of Omega-3 fatty acids so necessary for stable heartbeat and lowered blood pressure. Note that as with all things, too much(more tha 3 grams a week) will thin the blood and could promote stroke. Nonetheless, something so simple, lacking in most diets, that can do no harm when consumed in moderation, can serve to let you still be around to finally reap the rewards for sticking with Dendreon for the long haul. The downside, of course, is you'll have to read even more of Ming's blatherings.

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