Apr 28, 2008

Ming Demands The Government Burp Him

The Government must help poor Ming who suffers from Greed, Avarice and Stupidity(GAS). They help odious investment bankers with bailout guarantees. They rescue hedge funds with easy money policies. People who should consider themselves lucky to live in a furnished room now have houses whose mortgage interest will be capped, abated or extended. All Americans will win the lottery this week with a free money payment by the Government. Ming swears he's as greedy, avaricious and stupid as any of the above idiots. He demands the Government reimburse him for his losses in Dendreon which were caused by one it's own dysfunctional and perhaps venal agencies. If not, Barrister Ming will bring suit under the doctrine of gross negligence equals constructive fraud. Just like everyone else, Ming deserves to be patted on the back and burped by his government. Ming has GAS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.