Apr 22, 2008

Ming Is Too Stupid To Be Fooled

The lowly Ming cannot even pronounce the names of some of those drugs being flogged on television to unwary but susceptible viewers. Before they run to their doctor demanding whatever they've been told to demand, know this about at least one such indication. Statins prescribed to reduce low density lipoproteins, cause angiogenesis. That in turn leads to cancer since the creation of new blood vessels are what cancer needs to spread. The risk of these statins in the creation of colorectal cancer is of particular risk. Their effects on blood could also be a factor in rhabdomyolysis. Luckily Ming is a suspicious peasant who would rather eat an apple than take a drug. The pectin in apples encapsulate cholesterol and pass it out of the system. For nut jobs really leary of low density lipoprotein, eat walnuts as they too lower cholesterol. Note that neither apples nor walnuts can be patented, so Big Pharma and the doctors whom they support will not highlight these natural alternatives. An unwashed Ming's motto is, Don't use what comes from Big Pharma, they have very bad karma.

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