Apr 21, 2008

Ming Endorses Presidential Candidate

Civic minded Ming is current Chairman of the Elect Stassen Committee. Harold Stassen has already run for president, nine times. He has the experience. This time he looks unstoppable. The Stassen Machine can truthfully promise their candidate will never raise taxes, never veto pork barrel spending, never engage the country in war. It helps that he died in 2001. Become a member of the Stassen team now. With Harold as President, Hugo Chavez will make an even greater fool of himself when he tells our already deceased leader to drop dead. Putin will think twice before sabre rattling his nuclear arsenal knowing that our leader has nothing to lose. The budget can be cut by canning unnecessary speech writers and secret service personnel. Our man can't give speeches and can't be assassinated and will never embarrass the Nation with a tawdry affair in the White House. Go with a winner. You can be dead sure with Harold.

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