Apr 2, 2008

Ming Wins Much Coveted Award

A tearful,but grateful Ming, wishing to share his good fortune with his readers, reports that he has won the prestigious A. E. Neuman Award for Excellence in Biotech Stock Research. Ming achieved this despite having to overcome hedge fund machinations, FDA intransigence, Big Pharma truculence and indifference, machiavellian plots by venal and corrupt careerists at the FDA , all of whom were aided and abetted by a co-opted media, captured regulators and an unresponsive and grasping management. Choking with emotion while wiping the drool from his chin, a grinning Ming accepted his cherished prize at the gala awards ceremony. Sharing his thoughts on how he was able to achieve this distinction despite the impediments he encountered, Ming could only say, "What, me worry? I buy Dendreon".

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