Apr 2, 2008

Ming Wants To Do The Right Thing

Intrigued by Howard Scher's and Maha Hussein's professed need for bodyguards after doing their best to scuttle Provenge and truncate the lives of so many prostate cancer sufferers,Ming is led to seek new career vistas. Ming works out, bulks up and applies.
But application form for bodyguard job confuses poor Ming. Not enough room under question asking for sex to explain that Ming is willing unless it gets too kinky. Next of kin question leaves Ming with uncontrollable urge to list Jed Clampett. Under hobbies probably best not to mention instigating balance sheet audits of parties chosen at random such as Howard Isadore Scher and Maha H. Hussein just to see if lifestyles supportable by taxable income declared. For references, Ming decides to list Bruce Lee, Pinky Lee and Sara Lee since none likely to have anything bad to say at this point. Under short essay question as to why Ming wants to be bodyguard the humble Ming merely states he wishes to get nearer the rich and unscrupulous so he can do the right thing.

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