May 13, 2008

Chance Of A Lifetime

You are one very lucky schmuck. You're still eligible to get in on ground floor of the Czar's Imperial treasure now worth a cool ten billion. Five Hundred tons of gold bullion supposedly lost in Siberia transported there by Admiral Kolchak and remnants of White Russian troops and refugees in 1919. Granduncle Fong was subaltern to Aleksandr Vasilyevich Kolchak. Once they reached Irkutsk they tried to cross to the sanctuary of Mongolia over Lake Baikal. Fong secretly made contact with the Siberian Atamans, the Tatar Khans who were the last inbred dregs of the descendents of the Mongol hordes. Let Ming not bore you with the internecine strife that resulted in Fong's fabulous fortune now languishing in Mongolia which the fortunate you may now share in by helping legitimize U.S. ownership. All you need do is endorse and forward to Ming your Dendreon certs as an act of good faith. Now is not the time to hesitate. Think of all the Dendreon your share of five hundred tons of gold will buy. Ming awaits your eager response.

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