May 9, 2008

Dendreon Needs Ming

A superbly qualified Ming is clearly the right choice to augment the efforts of Shareholder Relations. While Ming lauds their blowing off any first quarter conference call, he feels that "let them eat cake" attitude could be furthered by his own efforts that will be eaten up by senior management. Ming doesn't return calls with the best of them and could have taught the late Howard Hughes about being incommunicado. Management can rely on Ming when untoward questions are posed on any conference calls they still can't avoid. His command of profanity in several languages would make the most hardened construction worker blush and leave every NYC cabdriver agog with envy. Under Ming's tutelage, the Annual Shareholders Meeting would provide only three legged stools for the comfort of shareholders having the temerity to attend. Those with the audacity to ask questions would first have to fill out cards listing next of kin for notification purposes and favorite persons to facilitate reprisals. Our motto will be "Ask not what Dendreon can do for you. Ask only what you can do for Dendreon".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it! Particularly the 3-legged stool. What a mental image - especially of the venerable Ming trying to balance on one.