Jun 23, 2008

Britney Spears Pursues Ming's Millions

Hoping to ensure her financial well being after several career gaffs and having finally realized that after approval of Provenge, he stands to make the big bucks, Britney astutely demanded custody of Ming today. Miss Spear's lawyers, playing to a packed courtroom, pointed to the drooling subject of their request, who, as luck would have it, chose that very moment to industriously explore his proboscis with his index finger. Claiming the doltish Ming was incompetent to manage his own affairs, they requested he be released to Miss Spears custody. Upon questioning by the court appointed referee, Mr. Merciless wasn't sure what year it was and when asked who the current president is, he was emphatic that it was Millard Fillmore. However, when queried as to why he thought himself able to be left to his own recognizance, he whimpered, "I got Dendreon". The Court ruled in his favor, citing that as evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that Mr. Merciless was not only compos mentis, but clearly, also an astute investor.

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