Jul 18, 2008

Ming Privy To Confidential FDA Directive In Privy

Policy Directive #666: All candidates for Division Director are to be vetted by answering the following interrogatives in the affirmative; 1) Is it your understanding that the general population is incapable of making informed medical decisions? 2) Should the FDA approval process be divorced from Congressional oversight? 3)Does statistical analysis trump good science? 4) Can expert panel recommendations be blithely disregarded when proved inconvenient? 5) Was the late Josep Mengele unfairly maligned in the press? 6) Do you at times become uncertain as to which end to vigorously apply your toothbrush to in the morning? NOTE: Extra credit may be given to any candidate evincing a total disregard for human values over and above that already evidenced by the above queries.

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