Jul 20, 2008

This Burns Ming Up

It was ever thus. Michael Servetus worked six years on his Christianismi Restitutio. In Book V p.171 while discussing the divine spirit he described in accurate detail pulmonary circulation, perhaps the single most important statement about the workings of the human body in fifteen hundred years. No one had ever described the actual function of the heart before. He went yet farther and anticipated the discovery of capillaries which wouldn't be confirmed until the development of the microscope, two centuries later. On October 27, 1553, the Richard Pazdur of his day, John Calvin, had him burned at the stake as a heretic. When will Dendreon ever learn that the powers that be really don't countenance troublemakers with new ideas.Mitch, please take note and get mobbed up before its too late.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent, Ming