Aug 5, 2008

A Bluff Response To Stevie's Bluff

Facing the guy waving a knife, the heroic Ming says he needs the exercise anyway as he assumes the Seven Star Stance of the Northern Shaolin school of the Praying Mantis. Ming knows that a knife is more dangerous than a gun, since, when blocking a thrust, it still cuts on retraction but he has to call the bluff or go down. This is also what the shorts are engaged in when pulling a knife on Dendreon. Bluffing is the art of earning with personal boldness some economic value that you were unable to earn with the objective assets at your disposal. Stevie, started out winning at poker and he's found that the hedge fund game is no different. That's why any intimation of positive news, announcements, et. al. is always checked and the stakes raised by selling. It's why the stock must appear to be a losing hand as the shorts appear to increase their attack as interim approaches. Through boldness they hope to preempt and overcome the objective validity of the trial's prospective results. The best defense is letting the enemy understand that no matter what happens, he's going to be hurt in the process. Bluffing only works when the opponent doesn't take a stance and call your play. Hey Stevie, feeling lucky, punk?

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