Aug 20, 2008

Ming Effortlessly Solves World's Problems

Only question left is where does Ming have to go to pick up his Nobel Prize and pose for statues to be erected in every city in his honor? Answer to energy and unemployment problem is simplicity itself. Ask yourself what is the one thing on earth not in short supply. People. Use vehicle time tested in Asia for transport. Rickshaws pulled by out of work realty agents, appraisers, mortgage brokers, securitizers of mortgage-backed obligations and sundry other marginal bottom feeders will do the job quite nicely when wearing plastic sandals. So it takes you a little longer to get there. You're not that important anyway. With one left over hot dog beyond its expiration date per day and a cup of weak coffee some of these low lifes could last two, maybe even three months before they give out. Then they could be replaced by other even lower dregs from the bottom of Society's barrel. FDA lackeys, IRS agents, SEC enforcement personnel. The supply of worthless clods is almost endless. Please don't embarrass a modest Ming with effusive accolades for sharing his thoughts. Just send money.

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