Aug 21, 2008

Mitch Agrees To Reveal All To Ming

One would be surprised how they can get the run of a building armed only with a hard hat, clipboard and phone receiver attached to a tool belt. It's even more surprising how accessible a CEO becomes when trapped between floors in an elevator with that same person. Ming finds that grabbing the hapless party by the lapels and sharing the effluvium of his lovely limburger lunch is also very helpful in getting them to agree to divulge everything and swear to tell no one else. Mitch's exact words were, "You'll be the last person I would ever tell". Ming even graciously restarted the elevator when good sport Mitch generously promised him "You'll get your just desserts for this". Since Mitch did allude to a tort action in his inimitable mumble while making his egress, Ming can only hope a nice linzer torte with a golden brown crust and crushed almonds was meant for dessert. What a swell guy.

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