Sep 21, 2008

Ming Heads For The Metaphorical Hills

Posters on sundry messages boards now advocate stocking up on a three months supply of food and ammunition in response to the current economic uncertainty and the concomitant possibility of social disruption. Since the most disruption Ming can stand is when the cable goes out for five minutes, he thinks it's good advice to take preventive action. Six cases of Cheese Doodles, twelve packs of Twinkies and a jar of creamed herring later, Ming figures he has everything covered. He even bought several boxes of ammunition, but isn't sure how that will help, since he doesn't have a gun. Maybe if he throws away the ammo and puts the empty boxes on the porch, everyone will think he's armed to the teeth. Thank goodness he had the foresight to dig that trench in the front yard, fill it with pungi sticks and put camouflage over it. Now Ming wonders when the Post Office is going to start missing their mailman.

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