Nov 1, 2008

Each Candidate Begs Ming For Endorsement

Curiously, each candidate feels very ecumenical and begs Ming to endorse his opponent. Ming fools them both and institutes a write in campaign for himself. Candidate Ming has it all. He is predictable. You know in advance he will screw you with a song on his lips. He will make such outrageous promises that even the most dour voter will double up with laughter. He will kiss babes and hug babies or maybe the other way around. He promises an education system where all children will be smarter than their peers, a health plan that provides you operations whether you want them or not. Comes the Revolution everyone gets strawberries and cream even if they're allergic. Remember, a vote for Ming is a vote for Ming.(remind Ming to fire his speech writer). That's the same cretin who suggested , " Put Ming in the White House even though he's a real Louse."

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