Dec 16, 2008

Cartoonist Desperately Needed

Ming understands that the Securities and Exchange Commission is in the market for a good cartoonist capable of reducing difficult concepts into line drawings.

More specifically, once Bernie Madoff gets around to explaining what he actually did and how he executed his scam, it will be job of that cartoonist to present it in a simplified form conducive to understanding by the SEC Enforcement Division.

Realizing this will be no easy task, given the quality of Enforcement personnel, the SEC is prepared to extend to the lucky job candidate a full fringe benefits package equal to that now enjoyed by it's current staff. This will include seminars in sundry sunny vacation spas, employment possibilities with well connected law firms and investment houses upon retirement and of course, the standard three hour break during the work day. He may even get to marry one of Bernie's nieces.

All applications should be forwarded to Special SEC Enforcement Agents, Stan Still and Ben Dover who are prepared to process all applicants thoroughly.

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