Jun 12, 2009

The Missing Ming Mulls Many Mysteries

Poor Ming has been absent from his blog lo these many days as he spent time in his Tibetan ashram contemplating the veracities of life.

Only by developing his powers as a naldjorpa, can he hope to follow the short path and attain enlightenment in this incarnation without enduring successive rebirth. Besides who knows whether in some future rebirth if they will still have rent control.

This is why the ascetic training to develop his psychic powers allow him to plumb the really hard questions such as why the mailman in the Blondie comic strip is named Mr. Beasley when the mailman on the old Burns and Allen show was also named Mr. Beasley.

Another question that Ming is eager to fathom is where he put his glasses but that could be the subject of another post.

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