Jul 26, 2009

Use Your Head

Once again, Ming takes precious time from his lucrative financial endeavors to solve your problems despite missing out to others on all those stray deposit cans and bottles.

Illegal immigration. Tax evasion. National security. Ming solves them all in one simple solution. A bar code tattooed on your forehead. No tattoo or an unauthorized bar code and you're bounced out of the Country. All income is coded in on receipt and all payments get coded out on payment. Just extend your forehead to be scanned. Likewise, access to any venue will require scanning thus ensuring that no terrorist can assume your identity.

As to any thoughts on abridgment of your freedoms, you've lost that fight long ago.

Ming had originally postulated that the most appropriate location for these bar codes would be your posterior if only because there's so much more room to store information but his survey shows that cellulite tends to make the bars wavy thus foiling proper scanning by all such devices developed to date.

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