Aug 3, 2009

Everything Was Going So Well

Then Ming's parents said tomorrow he's to start kindergarten. It's been all downhill from there.

It's tough finding out you're no longer the center of the universe. That's why everyone scrambles to get rich, become famous, excel at something or anything and do everything else that we all do.

No matter how old and jaded we become, it's still all about, "Hey mommy, look at me".

The basis of all action is the seeking of love, no matter how we pervert that desire into the actions we take or the self-destructive devices we find to seek solace.

After much introspection, Ming has finally found the answer. Reject all worldly goods and conceits. Retire to a mountaintop with several cases of Reddi-Wip, Little Debbie Cream Cakes and find Nirvana or a case of diabetes, whichever comes first.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Include a copy of The Tale of Two Cities; in case we have to return.

:) Campus