Aug 13, 2009

Ming Cashes In On Health Care

Connoisseur of the fast buck, Ming T. Merciless has been pouring over the new health care legislation looking for opportunity.

That's why Ming is now investing in ice houses. Someone has to make all those ice floes that senior citizens are going to be on when they're floated out to sea.

Ming also plans to franchise across the country his new Plug Pulling Service for those medical personnel too squeemish to pull the cord.

Likewise, since trained doctors will be superfluous in making end of life decisions which will soon be based on government guidelines, his trained end of life counselors will stand at the ready offering low cost alternatives ranging from the garrote to the ever popular gas pipe.

Fortunately for the enfeebled geriatrics in Congress, they have their own health plan which is much more understanding of the vicissitudinous vagaries of old age.

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