Feb 15, 2008

Candidates Beg Ming For Endorsement

Logic is impeccable. So goes Ming's South Bronx voting district so goes the Bronx. As goes the Bronx, so goes New York City. As goes the City so goes the State and thus goes the Nation. What with the ravages of urban renewal, Ming is last registered voter in district and now holds the fate of the Nation in his unwashed hand. His demands are nonnegotiable. Winning candidate must have plank in platform denouncing wasteful consolidation of FDA facilities in White Oak site in Silver Springs Maryland. All FDA food oversight must go to Department of Agriculture. Drug oversight goes to Drug Enforcement Agency. Present FDA employees are to give pony rides at present sites until retirement kicks in. Now Ming will buy box of cheap cigars so his political pronunciamentos can emanate from smoke filled room just like its always been done.


Anonymous said...

Sorry Ming!...

I have not been able to read your blog recently AS I have been catching up on "THE ADVENTURES OF MING THE MERCILESS" at the bottom of your anthology page. Looks like I will get even less work done than usual now that all your greatest moments are available for review.

A quick comment on Voltan...he seems a little over sexed to me. Also this fellow Flash Gordon is lucky he is not firing Ming's heating system furnace, Ming would make sure that Flash's shoveling would produce a lot more "Asses and Elbows".

Anonymous said...

Loved your documentary. I know of a good eye/ear/nose/throat man who could help with the adnoid problem. He's a bit spendy.

Perhaps an old Moog with one of Microsoft's Fine Products could be employed to lower the register in the next Thrilling Episode of MtM (with sidekick Flash Gordon)

Please edify: Is it a form of The Robert Newton Effect that all subsequent Prince Vultan's incarnations shall now and forevermore look like Brian Blessed?

gandt said...

It's welcome to find a politico that stands on priciples and is not swayed by money. Unlike those other candidates that shamelessly demand "change".