Feb 15, 2008

Cash In On Your Ugly Face

Kindhearted Ming will sometimes use this blog to pass along timely, money making tips such as this one. Everyone wants to feel superior to the next guy or girl. Ad agencies know this and use it to advantage when crafting their commercials. One way they do this is to show some ugly low-life using a competitor's product ineffectually or one that their crappy product is meant to replace. This is where you cash in big-time. One look at your wretched countenance and everyone else feels better about themselves especially after they buy the sponsor's product being demonstrated by that goddess or adonis so unlike you. Who knows? This could blossom into a career playing janitors, drug addicts, or if you really look bad enough, politicians. The sky's the limit and you will have Ming to thank for the cornucopia of cash that comes your way. Hopefully that thanks will be expressed in a pecuniary fashion.

1 comment:

gandt said...

I now understand why you have chosen to use this particular mugshot of yourself in your blog. This is the quintessential "before" picture as you attempt to lure sponsors such as Mens Warehouse, Hairclub for Men, Studio5ive and Jared Jewelry.