Feb 16, 2008

Solid Citizen Ming Is Outraged

Where has trust gone? Have all politicians lost touch with their constituencies? A resplendent Ming in full Emperor of the Universe regalia attended a recent rally for the candidate of his choice. How better to convey Ming's valuable insights? What laughably passed for security immediately took a morbid interest in Ming. Doubtlessly jealous of Ming's fashion sense that would make any doorman or admiral in the Bolivian Navy green with envy. Naturally, comes Q&A time, Ming cleverly called attention to himself with a discreet display of his original Buck Rogers Ray Gun hoping to garner the candidate's rapt attention. Ming is proud to say he gave a very good account of himself in the following melee and would have exited under his own power were it not for the invention of the taser. Would the sainted Millard Fillmore have conducted a campaign in so outre a manner?

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