Feb 14, 2008

Lucky Reader

Lucky for you, gentle reader, Ming is now here to guide your faltering footsteps as you make your usual laughable attempt to negotiate your way through the day. How you ever crossed streets without Ming's help will remain one of life's great mysteries. Don't bother any longer to watch stupid morning news shows with vapid reporters grinning like cretins as they sandwich their patented pap between endless commercials for things people would never have even mentioned twenty years ago. Fearless cub reporter Ming's motto is "all we print is news that fits" or maybe it should be "All we fit is news that prints" or "All the news we print is fit" or you can just go look at an old copy of The New York Times and we can steal their motto. Remember, if you don't read Ming, you don't know a thing. Only Honest Ming will insult your intelligence and tell you so to your face.


Unknown said...

Dear readers, may you never never never wind up on the wrong side of Ming's verbal acid! Unless you build bridges to nowhere and deserve it of course.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Ming where is the Rec button?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Ming,

I can't decide who to vote for this election. Any advice would help.

Anonymous said...


Why does your shirt collar look like it is made of cardboard?

Just Curious...

Anonymous said...

All Hail venerable Ming! Alas fair maiden hast encountered Ming-land for a plethora of guffaws, hopeful that perchance intellectual stimuli may stumble their way through the forests of mendacity on their venerable search for Truth, Justice and the American way.

gandt said...

This should be interesting. Having read your many Minglets I would suggest ace cub reporter Ming change the appropriated Times motto to "All the news we print will give you fit's."

Good night and good luck.

gandt said...

Wait a minute......Just happened to notice the advertisement at the bottom of the page. Are you trying to tell me there are hurricanes on Mongo?