Feb 14, 2008

Ming Is Deluged

Skinflints trying to cut back on their psychiatry bills already swamp poor Ming begging him for free advice. One eager reader writes, "I head a government agency whose dubious decisions are constantly being called into question. This leaves me with feelings of anxiety and depression. What should I do?" Ming solicitously replies;" Stop medicating yourself with the crap your agency foists off on an unsuspecting public as being safe and effective. The contraindications for some of that stuff would make an old time medicine show barker blush with guilt. Surely there is something the crackpots in your employ could approve that is both safe and effective with minimal, if any, side affects. Does the name Provenge ring any bells in your drug addled pate?"

1 comment:

gandt said...

Oh great one, how is it that you have come upon this knowledge? Is it magical? Do you just wave your "magic wand" over your "crystal balls" and spew what ever comes forth? Or could it be the wisdom you have collected from fortune cookies while busing tables at Uncle Fong's restaurant?