Feb 16, 2008

Ming's Infallible Personality Test

Only three questions: I. You find Ming's posts; a. funny b. pathetic c. idiotic II. You have returned to Ming's blog because; a. you find it stimulating b. you are bored c. you can't believe anyone could write such drivel III. You would send Ming money; a. in any amount he asks for b. almost never c. when hell freezes over. If your answers are a,a and a to these three questions you are a sterling human being and a prince or princess of a person worthy of emulation by your peers. Any other answers and you are a miserable clod unworthy of the great Ming's further consideration, with one intriguing exception. Anyone with any combination of responses that includes IIIa in their answers has character that makes them worthy to enter Ming's select inner circle for a modest fee that will be made known to them as soon as their Dun & Bradstreet Report hits Ming's desk.

1 comment:

gandt said...

Like a moth to a flame those that have seen your brilliance are powerless to escape. Try as they might they continue to return.

What I wonder is why they don't comment. Are they afraid that if they get too close you will reduce them to ashes or maybe as lowly earthlings they feel unworthy.