Mar 12, 2008

Ming Is On High Alert

He's closely monitoring the Spitzer imbroglio now that Elliot has decided to go quietly. If this buys him reduced charges on a completely unrelated crime then Ming is prepared to give up his position as chicken plucker down at the poultry market. Naturally, he would expect in return that the indictment be quashed that involved a delicate incident at a certain convenience store. Having inadvertently mixed his medications after chug-a-lugging a pint of Night Train, they contend he then threatened the proprietor with a salad shooter brimming with fresh okra. They further aver that he then proceeded to made off with that month's entire selection of girlie magazines. An outraged Ming, remembering nothing, denies all charges but as a gesture of good will offers to return those copies he has yet to defile.

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