Apr 14, 2008

Its All About The Science

The scientific method relies on the belief that ultimate reality is completely physical and that nothing exists beyond elemental forces and their properties. They call this reductive naturalism. Nature is broken up into its constituent parts until we are reduced to elementary units of molecules, neurons, quarks, chloroplasts, etc. In 1980, the Supreme Court ruled that man-made life could be patented thus erasing the distinction between living and non-living matter or said another way, between life and atoms. This reductio ad absurdum denies our spirit, soul and unique identity. However, it does make it easier for those in authority to deny life extending therapies such as Provenge. It becomes easy to "be all about the science" when the object of your denial is a collection of twenty amino acids that compose its proteins rather than a unique person. After all, when you do this you can't lose your soul if it doesn't even exist.

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