Apr 11, 2008

Ming Covets Oscar For Best Screenplay

Down in front, shouted Ming. Its hard enough making pirated videos without clods in the theater moving around like bobble-head dolls. This next blockbuster is entitled "The Dendreon Story" with Danny DeVito as the slimy Scher, Joe Pesci as the pugnacious Pazdur and Arnold Swartznegger as the big, dumb oaf, von Eschenbach. Johnny Dep will play Mitch Gold while Leonard de Caprio is the perfect Greg Schiffman and of course that consummate character actress, Cloris Leachman is the odious Maha. Ming originally had a bit part as the elusive Eric Small but it was left on the cutting room floor. Now if only this vehicle can move out of the art theaters and get national distribution, we'll have a winner on our hands.

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