Aug 13, 2008

The Dendreon Dieter's Delights

Inspired by celebrity endorsed commercials for frozen diet dinners delivered to your door, Ming decides to hop aboard this fast growing racket with a diet plan geared to the niche Dendreon shareholder market. Ming's Munchies will include confections such as Frozen Expectations meant to nurture you thoughout the weight loss regimen until Final results are achieved. Entrees include Pilaf a la Pazdur, a real piece of work, albeit more than a tad wormy that must be consumed with hatred. Another favorite is Shrimp Scher although the discriminating gourmet will find it both slippery and slimy. The Heated Hussain, prone to dyspepsia, is a dish best left to those with a strong stomach, although our Vinagerette von Eschenbach can cover up some very bad tasting results. All of the above can be served with humble pie and washed down with Goodman's gall, the champagne of crushed spirits. Swallowing all these unpalatable dishes will cause you to lose weight, if only in and around the wallet.

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