Aug 12, 2008

A Gracious Ming Aids Authorities In Their Inquiries

This is just a euphemism for them beating usual suspect Ming with a rubber hose so he'll admit to entering the local stationary store after hours. It seems whoever did this scratched off all lottery tickets looking for a winner. Between applications of memory enhancing rubber hose, Ming tries to explain it wasn't necessary for him to do that since his own lottery ticket, whimsically called Dendreon, makes that exercise unnecessary ever since they used O'Brien-Fleming to allocate Interim alpha. Under O'Brien-Fleming, interim trigger and interim alpha can be computed from one another. If you know one, you can compute the other. So postulating(don't postulate in mixed company or when children are present), that the Interim trigger is 228 events, then the alpha to be met is 0.019. Postulate the trigger to be 243 and the alpha rises to 0.024. Given how 9901 did, Ming likes his chances of winning this lottery. He will now slip into something more comfortable so he can leisurely postulate until he comes to a conclusion.

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